Eagle Creek RV Park

Azle, Texas

Book online today!


Welcome to Eagle Creek Park. Our brand new gated RV sites are conveniently located just minutes from Eagle Mountain Lake north of Fort Worth Texas. Our sites include all utilities paid for by the park. This includes wifi, electric, water, sewer, and trash. The sites are very spacious giving you plenty of room to enjoy. Along with private community restrooms, showers, and a laundry facility you will be able to enjoy your stay stress free!  We look forward to having you soon. Have a great day!


Eagle Creek Park


20 Amps
30 Amps
50 Amps
Community Restrooms
Community Showers
Extended Stay
Family Friendly
Laundry Facilities
Pet Friendly
Remote Work Friendly
RV Hookup
Sewer Hookups
Slide Outs
Trash Service
Water Hookups


General Rules

· Quiet hours are from 10:00pm to 8:00am. Quiet hours do not apply to waste removal companies, delivery trucks, or school buses. · Licensees are asked to notify park management in cases where someone is speeding in the park and are asked to refrain from calling out those who may be driving more than 5 MPH. · No open fires are permitted unless contained in a bar-b-que, smoker or small chimenea. · Do not move your RV from your currently assigned RV site without management approval. · Licensee’s and their guests that smoke should not throw cigarette butts on the ground. · No clothes lines are permitted. · All guests/visitors of Licensees that will be staying more than 7 days must be added to the license agreement and provide information to have background checked for criminal activity. No more than 4 people staying overnight (licensees and guests combined) per site without management approval. · Offensive activities, abusive language, interference with RV park employees, RV park owners, tenants, their guests, any park visitor, other park licensees and/or guests by licensee’s, their guests, or children can be cause for revocation of a license. · Absolutely no sub-letting of a RV site or RV is allowed. This includes short term rentals aka VRBO etc. · Discharge of firearms, paintball guns, BB Guns, pellet guns, sling shots and/or fireworks of any kind is not permitted on park premises. · Licensees will be held liable for damage to grounds, electric meters, plumbing, etc. should damage be due to licensee’s or their guest(s), visitors, or children’s negligence. · The use of a sewer ring or other means to contain sewer gases must be used and are not furnished by the park. All sewer lines must be free of leaks and have a “dough-nut” or treaded attachment to our sewer lines. · Generators will only be operated (1) during true emergencies or (2) for monthly systems checks during Park office normal business hours. · No person is allowed to climb on trees or stand on picnic tables. No one may ride bicycles after dark. · A minor curfew is enforced. Minors, without their parents or guardians with them, should be at their RV site between 10PM & 6AM. · Providing anyone, that is not a resident of your RV, is given the gate code for the gate will result in eviction. · No licensee or tenant may rent their RV to others. As in a VRBO or any type of rental operation.

Golf Carts & Similar Type Vehicles

· The operation of Dirt Bikes, go-carts or similar vehicles off-road type vehicles are not permitted anywhere on the premises. · Cart operator must hold a valid driver’s license. · Vehicles must be in good working condition. No loud mufflers allowed. · Vehicles must have working headlights and headlights must be turned on when cart is being operated at night. Flashlights are not a replacement for working headlights. · Vehicles may only be driven on roadways. Absolutely no carts are to be driven on the grass or between RV sites. · No driver may operate a vehicle in a manner that may endanger themselves or others. · No more than two golf carts or similar type vehicles per RV site and carts must not be parked in the roadway at any time. · No one shall be allowed to ride on a cart while standing, squatting or otherwise not sitting in a designated seat. · “No Parking” signs apply to carts as well as other types of motor vehicles. · Failure to abide by the above rules concerning carts or similar type vehicles may result in licensee losing their right to use the golf cart on park premise or termination of your license to be on park premises.

RV, Other Vehicle and RV site Appearance

· Management reserves the right to prohibit accommodations for RVs and other vehicles that are not deemed to be in good and clean condition and appearance; and if an existing RV or other vehicle has deteriorated due to age/neglect etc. management reserves the right to cancel pending license. · No structures of any type may be constructed at a RV site without the prior approval of management. · If structures located on a RV site become unsightly due to lack of maintenance, age, etc. (in the opinion of management) then licensee will be given the option to repair, replace, or remove the structure. · Outside storage is not permitted. RV sites must always be kept clean and clear of litter. · No swimming pools or trampolines are permitted at RV sites. · Holiday decorations must be removed within 14 days after the holiday. · No boat trailers or tow-behinds are permitted at RV sites. See park management concerning where to park trailers and if there is a charge for storage. · Trees may not be cut down or trimmed without park management approval. · Absolutely no watering the roofs of RV’s is permitted for any reason including for the purpose of cooling the roof.

Arrivals and Departures

· Check in Time is 12:30 pm to 5:00 pm for overnight stays and check out Time is 11:30am. Any changes must be approved by management in advance.

Cancellation Policy

If you receive an extended stay rate there will be no refunds if you do not stay the entire length of the reservation. Your application is subject to back ground check. Completed reservation is viewed as a “two-way” agreement. We place a hold on the space, which you have reserved, turning away all future requests in return for your payment.

Quiet Hours

Quiet time is from 10:00 pm. to 8:00 am. Please be considerate of all other guests in the park. Parties are strictly prohibited.

Protecting our grass

To protect our grass, please stay on sidewalks and roads. No mats or rugs on the grass. Do not cut the flowers.

Garbage disposal

All trash disposed of on these premises must have been generated at this premises. No trash of any type shall be brought into the park for disposal. · No trash of any kind is to be left outside the disposal facility. · Trash should be securely bagged and placed inside the dumpster and as far back as possible. · All cardboard boxes must be broken down and placed inside the dumpster. · No furniture, appliances, water heaters, mattresses, large items, construcion debris, auto or boat parts or other durable goods are to be put into the dumpster or left outside the disposal site. All these types of garbage must be taken to the Dump by you. · Other open top dumpsters that may be on premises, from time to time, are for park use only. · No trash or bags of trash can be placed under your RV or anywhere on the RV site. · If dumping liquids (not motor oil, flammables or paint as these items can never be put in the trash) they must be sealed in a container that will remain leak free. · Those caught in violation of our rules with regards to trash disposal will be subject to fines and/or eviction.

Parking and Vehicles

· All vehicles owned/used by a licensee must be identified on that licensee’s license agreement. · The speed limit in the park is 5 MPH and this applies to all types of vehicles. · No parking in the roadway. Towing is enforced for vehicles improperly parked. · No vehicles allowed on grass areas of the park. · All motorized vehicles operated on the premise must have a current registration, be in good physical repair (i.e. no wrecked vehicles) and must be operable. Loud mufflers are not allowed. · Licensees may not build, rebuild, or repair vehicles or their RV anywhere on the Premises at any time.


No washing of cars, RVs, etc. Please turn off unattended vehicles.

Pet Policy

· Dogs may be permitted provided they are not among the following breeds or mixed breeds: Pit Bulls & Staffordshire Terriers, Doberman Pinschers, Rottweilers, Chows or any other dog that is aggressive in the opinion of park management. Exceptions can be made for certified service dogs that may be of a breed noted above. · All dogs must have collars and wear a valid tag showing they have a current rabies vaccination. · No more than one dog per RV site without written approval from management. · Fences for dogs cannot be built/installed without management approval. · All dogs must be kept on a leash when not inside your RV. Dogs may not be chained up or caged outside the RV. · Dogs must always be cleaned up after and may not run free in the park under any circumstances. · Excessive barking will not be tolerated. · Failure to adhere to the above rules concerning dogs may result in revocation of License. · No other types of pets are allowed without written permission of management. No chickens, horses, cows, pigs or other farm type animals are permitted. · Dog owners will be liable for all damages and/or injury caused by their dog. If management receives more than two written complaints with respect to excessive barking licensee(s) will be required to remove the dog from the park. Biting a person or other dog, or displaying aggressive behavior the licensee(s) will be required to remove the dog from the park immediately.

RV Requirements

RVs must be 10 years old or newer (or reviewed by Management).